Shashti at Subramanya Swamy temple

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
By Unknown

Today Subramanya Swamy temple at arpookara celebrates shashti....................
It comes once in a month.............

Lord Subramanya Swamy is considered to be the universal lord who blesses human beings and helps them get rid of their sins. Lord Subrahmanya is worshipped in India (mostly South India), Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. The natives who are suffering from financial crisis, delay in marriages, and those who are prone to frequent accidents are advised to offer prayers to Lord Subramanya Swamy on this auscipicious day by performing abhishekam to Lord Subramanya Swamy.

Natives in their natal chart, if Kuja is positioned in the 8th house from moon sign or having Kuja Dosha or under Kuja Dosha or antar dasa, the effect of Kuja will be very severe. The natives are advised to perform necessary pooja on the auscipicious day of Subramnaya Shashti to get rid off thier problems. The natives are advised to perform pooja with utmost faith to seek His blessing of Lord Subramanyeswara Swamy who could solve your problems. The natives are advised to perform milk abhishekam to Lord Kuja on that day along with the natives name and gotra to get rid of their problems and seek His blessings.

Natives are advised to recite the Lord Subramanya Astothram on Tuesdays regularly to get rid of their problems and seek His blessings.

May Lord Subramanya Swamy shower His blessings on you.


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